Editing modem initialization strings
The predefined modem initialization strings may be edited by an administrative user. The Init 1 and Init 2
strings may be up to 48 characters each and the Attention and Hang-up strings may be up to 16 characters.
For more information on the predefined initialization strings, see Enabling or disabling modem initialization
strings: on page 15.
Editing modem initialization strings:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set modem, followed by attn, hangup, init1, or init 2 and the initialization
string. Press Enter.
The following command set the Init 2 string to ‘AT E0 Q1 S0=3 S2=64 S12=50 &C1 &D2’:
Sentry: set modem init2 AT E0 Q1 S0=3 S2=64 S12=50 &C1 &D2<Enter>
Displaying serial port information
The Show Ports command displays information about all serial ports. This information includes:
• Serial port data rate
• Modem port initialization strings
• Descriptive port name, if applicable
• DSR signal checking settings
To display serial port information:
At the Sentry: prompt, type show ports and press Enter.
The following command displays all serial port information:
Sentry: show ports<Enter>
Serial Port Configuration
ALL Ports:
Baud Rate: 38400
Console Port:
DSR Check: ON
Modem Port:
DSR Check: ON
Initializations: ON
Init String 1: AT
Init String 2: AT E0 Q1 S0=1 S2=64 S12=50 &C1 &D2
Attention String: @@@
Hang-Up String: ATH
36 • Operations Sentry PT22
Installation and Operations Manual