Displaying network configuration information
The Show Network command displays TCP/IP, Telnet, SSH, Web, SSL and SNMP configuration information.
• IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS IP addresses
• Enabled-disabled status and port numbers for Telnet, SSH, HTTP,SSL and SNMP support
• HTTP authentication method and SSL access setting
• Network status
See Chapter 4: Advanced Operations on page 45 for more information on SNMP and Remote
To display network configuration information:
At the Sentry: prompt, type show network and press Enter.
The following command displays the network configuration information:
Sentry: show network<Enter>
Network Configuration
IP Address: DNS1:
Subnet Mask: DNS2:
Telnet: Enabled Port: 23
SSH: Enabled Port: 65535
HTTP: Enabled Port: 80 Security: BASIC
SSL: Enabled Access: Required
SNMP: Enabled
Network Status
Link: Up
Speed: 100 Mbps
Duplex: Full
Negotiation: Auto
HTTP Administration
NOTE: A restart is required after setting or changing ANY Telnet/Web configurations. See Performing a warm boot on
page 38 for more information.
Enabling and disabling HTTP support
The Set HTTP command is used to enable or disable HTTP support.
To enable or disable HTTP support:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set http, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.
Changing the HTTP server port
With HTTP support enabled, the HTTP server watches and responds to requests on the default HTTP port
number 80. This port number may be changed using the Set HTTP Port command.
To change the HTTP port:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set http port, followed by the port number and press Enter.
The following changes the HTTP port number to 2048:
Sentry: set HTTP port 2048<Enter>
Setting the HTTP authentication method
The Set HTTP Security command is used to set the method of authentication. The Sentry HTTP server
supports two authentication methods for security and validation of the username-password – Basic and MD5
For more information on authentication methods, see Setting the HTTP authentication method: on page 14.
To set the HTTP authentication method:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set http security, followed by basic or md5 and press Enter.
40 • Operations Sentry PT22
Installation and Operations Manual