Displaying LDAP configuration information
The Show LDAP command displays LDAP configuration information.
• Enabled-disabled status of LDAP support
• Directory Services server IP address and port
• Bind request password type and remote authentication order
• Search bind distinguished name and password
• User search base distinguished name and filter
• Group membership attribute and type
To display the LDAP configuration information:
At the Sentry: prompt, type show ldap and press Enter.
The following command displays the LDAP configuration information:
Sentry: show ldap
LDAP Configuration
LDAP: Enabled
Host IP1:
Host IP2:
Port: 8888
Bind Type: MD5
Auth Order: Remote->Local
Search Bind
DN: cd=guest,cn=Users,dc=servertech,dc=com
Password: OpenSesame
User Search
Base DN: cn=Users,dc=servertech,dc=com
Filter: (samaccountname=%s)
Group Membership
Attribute: memberof
Value Type: DN
Setting the DNS IP address
The Set DNS command sets the TCP/IP address of the Domain Name server (DNS).
NOTE: LDAP requires the definition of at least one Domain Name server.
To display the DNS configuration information, use the Show Network command as described on page 39.
To set the DNS IP address:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set, followed by dns1 or dns2 and the Domain Name server’s IP address.
Press Enter.
The following command sets the primary Domain Name server IP address to
Sentry: set dns1<Enter>
Verifying the DNS configuration
The Ping command may be used to verify the configuration of the DNS IP address.
To verify the DNS configuration:
At the Sentry: prompt, type ping, followed by the domain component of the Directory Services server
previously configured and press Enter.
The following command verifies the DNS configuration:
Sentry: ping servertech.com
Pinging servertech.com [] with 64 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=0 triptime=0
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=1 triptime=0
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=2 triptime=0
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=3 triptime=0
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=4 triptime=0
58 • Advanced Operations Sentry PT22
Installation and Operations Manual