The following command changes the password for the user JohnDoe:
Sentry: set user password johndoe<Enter>
Password: <Enter>
Verify Password: <Enter>
Setting user access level privileges
The Set User Access command sets the access level privileges for a user. The Sentry has four defined
access privilege levels; Admin, User, On-Only and View-Only. For more information on user access
levels, see Changing a user’s access privilege level: on page 17.
The administrator may also grant administrative privileges to other user accounts allowing the Sentry to
have more than one administrative-level user.
NOTE: You cannot remove administrative privileges from the Admn user unless another user has already been given
administrative access level privileges created.
To set the access level privilege for a user:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set user access, followed by admin or user, optionally followed by a
username and press Enter.
The following command sets the user access level for JohnDoe to Admin:
Sentry: set user access admin johndoe<Enter>
The following command sets the user access level for JaneDoe to User:
Sentry: set user access user janedoe<Enter>
Granting and removing input load viewing privileges
The Set User Envmon command grants or removes input load viewing privileges to/from a general or
view-only user.
NOTE: This command also grants or removes viewing privileges for the status of the optional Equipment Cabinet
Environmental Manager and attached sensors. See the Equipment Cabinet Environmental Manager Installation and
Operations manual for more information.
To grant or remove input load viewing privileges for a user:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set user envmon followed by on or off, optionally followed by a username
and press Enter.
The following command grants input load privileges to the user JohnDoe:
Sentry: set user envmon on johndoe<Enter>
Displaying the access privilege levels
The List Users command displays all defined users with their access privilege level.
To display user access privilege levels:
At the Sentry: prompt, type list users and press Enter.
The following command displays all users with their access privilege level:
Sentry: list users<Enter>
User Privilege Environmental
Name Level Monitoring
JOHNDOE Admin Allowed
JANEDOE User Allowed
JOSEYDOE On-Only Not Allowed
JOEDOE View-Only Not Allowed
Sentry PT22 Operations • 29
Installation and Operations Manual