Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-16 OTS9100 User Manual
This query returns the value of the specified Far-End Multiplexor Section parameter from G.826 analysis
of received data.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:ANALysis:G826A:MS:FAR? <Enum>
Parameter Description
ETIME Elapsed time
EB_C Errored blocks
EB_R Errored block ratio
BBE_C Background block errors
BBE_R Background block error ratio
EFS_C Error-free seconds
EFS_R Error-free seconds ratio
ES_C Errored seconds
ES_R Errored second ratio
SES_C Severely errored seconds
SES_R Severely errored second ratio
CSES_C Consecutive SES periods
UAS_C Unavailable seconds
UAS_R Unavailable seconds error ratio
This query returns the values of all of the Far-End Multiplexor Section parameters from G.826 analysis of
received data. The parameters are returned in the order in which they are listed under
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:ANALysis:G826A:MS:FAR:ALL?