Operating Basics: User Interface
2-44 OTS9100 User manual
The Interframe Gap is fixed at 16. Traffic can be stopped or started by clicking the button in the
Traffic section.
IP Header
To edit the IP Header click the button
to display the Edit IP Header dialog
box, as shown in Figure 2-27.
The grayed out areas of the dialog
box are fixed data not selectable by
the user. The user can modify the
information in the white boxes.
To modify the information, click in
the box and type in the new selection.
The IP Source Address contains a
four-byte (32-bit) with IPv4 Internet
address. This address identifies the
original source of the packets.
The IP Destination Address contains
a four-byte (32-bit) with IPv4 Internet
address. This address identifies the
final destination of the packets.
Figure 2-27: Edit Menu for IP Header