Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
OTS9100 User Manual 3-39
This query returns the value of the specified result parameter for the most recent test.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:SECTion:CUMUlative? <Enum>
Parameters Description
B1_C B1 errors
B1_ES B1 errored seconds
B1_ER B1 error ratio
FAS_C Framing errors
FAS_ES Framing errored seconds
FAS_ER Framing error ratio
LOS_ES Loss-of-signal errored seconds
LOF_ES Loss-of-frame errored seconds
OOF_ES Out-of-frame errored seconds
RSTIM_ES RS trace mismatch errored seconds
This query returns the values of all of the parameters of the
:SENSE:MEASURE:SECTION:CUMULATIVE? query. The parameters are returned in the order in which
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:SECTion:CUMUlative:ALL?
This query returns the value of the specified result parameter as measured during the most recent 'N'
seconds. The duration 'N' of the measurement window is set by the :SENSE:MEASURE:WINDOW:SIZE
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:SECTion:WINDow? <Enum>
Parameters Description
B1_C B1 errors
B1_ES B1 errored seconds
B1_ER B1 error ratio
FAS_C Framing errors
FAS_ES Framing errored seconds
FAS_ER Framing error ratio
LOS_ES Loss-of-signal errored seconds
LOF_ES Loss-of-frame errored seconds
OOF_ES Out-of-frame errored seconds
RSTIM_ES RS trace mismatch errored seconds