Getting Started
1-14 OTS9100 User Manual
11. Click the radio button for Continuous test mode and then click OK to close the dialog box.
12. Use the key provided to disable the laser lockout at the front of the Optical card.
13. On the Laser Control bar, select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Tx+ #1 laser and click On. On the
Optics module card front panel, verify the following:
• the Optical Out LED lights green
• the Sig Pres LED under Optical IN lights green
14. On the Test Control bar, click the start button to begin a test.
15. On the front panel of the Receive module card, verify that the LOS, DEFECT, and
ANOMALY LEDs are all off.
16. Verify that the Status window has no lit error indicators except the green Signal Present
17. In the Navigation window, click the Setup bar and select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Tx+ #1 icon.
18. Select the Error Insertion tab.
19. Under Anomaly Insertion Setup, click the pull-down menu for Type and select B1 BIP.
20. Click Apply Anomaly Setup Changes.
21. Click Insert Single three times to insert three single errors. Verify that the Anomaly LED on
the Receive front panel flashes for each B1 injected. In the Status window, the red B1
indicator should flash for each B1 injected and the yellow B1 indicator should remain lit.
22. In the Navigation window, click Measurements and select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Rx+ #1
23. Click on the Cumulative tab.
24. Verify that the B1 line has data entered.
25. On the Test Control bar, click the Stop Test button.
26. On the Laser Control bar, select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Tx+ #1 laser and click Off.
27. Use the key provided to enable the laser lockout.