Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
OTS9100 User Manual 3-79
This command defines the sorting method by which files are prioritized for deletion. The system default is
by a file's creation time. The query form returns the current sorting method.
Parameters Description
CREAted Sort by creation time
MODified Sort by last modified time
ACCEssed Sort by last accessed time
This command sets the maximum amount of space combined files are allowed to span before deletion is
initiated. The order in which files are deleted is based on the sort criteria, see the SORT command below.
The query form returns the current setting. NOTE: Units for TOTAlsize are in megabytes.
Syntax: :SYSTem:FILEs:MGMT:RESUlts:TOTAlsize?
This command selects whether binary block data command parameters are transmitted as raw 8-bit
binary characters or pairs of hex digits. Some communication links may not be able to send raw binary
data. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SYSTem:FORMat:BLOCk?
:SYSTem:FORMat:BLOCk <Enum>
Parameters Description
BINary Block data uses raw 8-bit binary bytes
HEX Block data uses two hex digits per byte
This command enables or disables command headers in query responses. When headers are enabled,
the response to a query is in the form of a complete command sufficient to set the present value. When
headers are disabled, the query returns only the present value. The query form returns the current
Syntax :SYSTem:HEADers?
:SYSTem:HEADers <Boolean>