The electronic oven control
Oven off
button (p. 15)
Display (see
Set knob (p. 14)
Time of Stop time Bake time Self-clean
Bake temp
timer button day
button button
(P. 15)
pdly; (P. 22)
(P. 21) (P. 2’3
(P. 18)
(P. 16)
l When you first plug in the range, the
display w,ill flash until you set a new time. If,
after you set the clock (page 14), the time
display again flashes, your electricity was
off for a while. Reset the clock.
l When you are not using the oven, the
control is an accurate clock.
l When you are using the oven or Minute
Timer, the display will show times, tem-
perature settings, and what command
buttons have been pressed.
l When showing the time of day, the
display will show the hour and minutes.
l When you are using the Minute Timer,
the display will show minutes and seconds
in the following sequence:
- For settings from 0 to 1 minute 55
seconds, the display will increase in
Ssecond amounts and count down each
- For settings from 2 minutes to 9
minutes 50 seconds, the display will
increase in 1 O-second amounts and
count down each second.
- For settings from 10 to 59 minutes, the
display will increase in 1 -minute amounts
and count down each second.
- For settings from 1 hour to 1 hour
55 minutes, the display will increase in
Sminute amounts and count down each
- For settings from 2 hours to 9 hours
50 minutes, the display will increase in
lo-minute amounts and count down
each minute.
l When you are using
Bake Time and/or
Stop Time, the
display will show
hours and minutes.