■ 3 Types of Source Data
Selects the type of data that will be copied. It is
possible to designate common data that affects all of
the parts, and specific data for specified parts.
When Common (All parts) is selected for the Source
ALL (All performance data), PARAM (Parameter settings),
ARP (Arpeggio settings), EFCT (Effect settings), CTRL
(Controller settings), NAME (Performance name)
When PART01~16 is selected for the Source Part:
ALL (All the data for that part), MIX (Mix settings),
LAYER (Layer settings), SOUND (Sound settings), CTRL
(Controller settings), PRE (Preset settings)
■ 4 Destination Performance Number
Fixed to the currently selected (destination)
It is necessary to select the destination performance in
Performance Play mode before entering the
Performance Job mode.
■ 5 Destination Part
Sets the destination performance part that will be
copied to. This parameter is displayed only when a
part is selected in the Source Part parameter.
❏ Settings: PART01~16
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