■ High1/2 Gain
Sets the signal levels for the frequencies passing
above the High1/2 Freq points.
❏ Settings: –16~0~+16
■ High1/2 Gain Vel (High1/2 Gain Velocity)
Sets the velocity sensitivity for signal levels
designated by the High1/2 Gain parameter. When
High1/2 Gain Vel is set to a positive value, the
harder a note is played on the keyboard, the more
the gain that is applied. Negative values will have the
opposite effect.
❏ Settings: –7~+7
LPF (Low Pass Filter)
The LPF passes only the signals below the specified
cutoff frequency (point) set in the Freq parameter
(below), and cuts all signals above it.
■ Freq (Frequency)
Sets the cutoff frequency value. This determines the
cutoff frequency of the filter, or the frequency above
which all other frequencies are filtered out.
❏ Settings: 0~251
■ Freq Vel (Frequency Velocity)
Sets the velocity sensitivity for the cutoff frequency.
When Freq Vel is set to a positive value, the harder a
note is played on the keyboard, the higher the cutoff
frequency. This creates a greater change in the
timbre of the sound. Negative values will have the
opposite effect.
❏ Settings: –7~+7
Range passed
Cutoff frequency Frequency
Cutoff range
VCF Type = Low Pass Filter
■ Freq Random (Frequency Random)
Freq Random causes the cutoff frequency to move
randomly. The higher the value, the wider the
change of the cutoff frequency. A setting of “0”
produces no effect.
❏ Settings: 0~7
■ Freq KeyFollow
Sets the KeyFollow for the cutoff frequency set in the
Freq parameter. The Freq KeyFollow functions to
adjust the cutoff frequency by the notes played on
the keyboard. When Freq KeyFollow is set to a
positive value, the higher the note played on the
keyboard, the higher the cutoff frequency. When a
negative value is set, the lower the note played, the
higher the cutoff frequency becomes.
❏ Settings: –64~+63
■ Reso (Resonance)
Determines the amount of resonance boost, or
emphasis of harmonics located near the cutoff
frequency. A setting of “0” produces no effect.
❏ Settings: 0~31
■ Reso Vel (Resonance Velocity)
Sets the velocity sensitivity for the value designated
in the Reso. When the Reso Vel is set to a positive
value, the harder a note is played on the keyboard,
the greater the resonance becomes, and a greater
change occurs in the timbre of the sound. Negative
values will have the opposite effect.
❏ Settings: –7~+7
■ Reso Random (Resonance Random)
Reso Random causes the amount of the Resonance
effect to vary randomly. The higher the value, the
greater the change in the amount of the resonance. A
setting of “0” produces no effect.
❏ Settings: 0~7
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 88