Arpeggio Job Mode
Here are various jobs for user arpeggios that were
created in Arpeggio Edit mode (or are being edited).
These jobs which allow you to copy or erase, as well as
many other operations, are executed by the measure or
the track.
[F2]: JOB1
[F3]: JOB2
[F4]: JOB3
F2 F3 F4 F7
In Arpeggio Mode screen (or Arpeggio Edit mode), you
can enter Arpeggio Job mode by pressing [JOB] key on
the panel. When you enter the Arpeggio Job mode, the
following menu will be displayed. There are 23 types of
jobs in Arpeggio Job mode. The jobs are divided into
three groups JOB1~3. Press [F2] (JOB1), [F3] (JOB2)
or [F4] (JOB3) to select a menu. The Undo/Redo
function is assigned to [F7] which cancels the changes
you made in your most recent job operation.
Steps for Executing a Job
1In Arpeggio Mode screen, select the arpeggio that
you want to execute job operation.
2Press [JOB] key to enter the Arpeggio Job mode.
3Press [F2] (JOB1), [F3] (JOB2) or [F4] (JOB3) to
select a menu. The selected menu will be displayed.
4Move the cursor to a job and press [ENTER]. The
selected job screen will be displayed.
You can also display each job by pressing [F1]~[F8]
while holding down [SHIFT].
5Move the cursor to a parameter and use the
[INC]/[DEC], Data Dial, numeric keypad, or the
Knobs 1~6 to set values.
Depending on the selected job it may not be necessary
to set values.
------[F2:JOB1] ..............................................................250
------[Copy Arpeggio] ........................................250
------[Clear Arpeggio] ........................................250
------[Copy Track] ..............................................251
------[Clear Track] ..............................................251
------[MIX Track]................................................251
------[Append Arpeggio]....................................251
------[Split Arpeggio]..........................................252
------[Time Stretch] ............................................252
------[F3:JOB2] ..............................................................252
------[Copy Measure]..........................................253
------[Erase Measure] ........................................253
------[Get Phrase]................................................253
------[Thin Out] ..................................................254
------[Chord Sort]................................................255
------[Chord Separate]........................................255
------[F4:JOB3] ..............................................................255
------[Quantize] ..................................................256
------[Move Clock] ..............................................256
------[Modify GateTime]....................................256
------[Modify Velocity] ......................................257
------[Transpose] ................................................257
------[Shift Note] ................................................257
------[Crescendo] ................................................258
------[Shift Event] ..............................................258
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