[F8]: NAME
Lets you give a name to the sample with up to eight
The method for naming an sample and its category is the
same as that for a Voice. For more information, see page
When edited as a stereo data, only the first five letters will
be effective (e. g. ***** L 01).
Sample Job Mode
These jobs let you copy, delete, or append samples that
are created in Sample Edit mode.
Press [JOB] key on the panel while in Sample mode to
enter Sample Job mode. When you enter the Sample
Job mode, the following menu will be displayed. There
are five types of jobs in the Sample Job mode. Press
[F1] (COPY), [F2] (DEL), [F3] (APND), [F4] (NORM),
or [F5] (EXTR) to select a job.
[F1]: COPY (Copy sample)
[F2]: DEL (Delete sample)
[F3]: APND (Append sample)
[F4]: NORM (Normalize)
[F5]: EXTR (Extract)
Steps for Executing a Job
1When in the Sample Play mode or the Sample Edit
mode, press [JOB] to enter the Sample Job mode.
2Press [F1] (COPY), [F2] (DEL), [F3] (APND), [F4]
(NORM), or [F5] (EXTR) to select a job to execute.
The selected job screen will be displayed.
You can also select each job by moving the cursor to the
desired job name on the screen and pressing [ENTER].
3Move the cursor to a parameter and use the
[INC]/[DEC], Data Dial, numeric keypad, or the
Knobs 1~6 to set values.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Sample/E/qx 5/21/98 11:39 AM Page 182