Play Effects & Groove Quantization
An important feature of all EX sequencer functions is “Play Effects,” … including “Groove
Quantization.” Play Effects affect song, pattern, or arpeggio playback in real time, and are not actually
recorded with the sequence data. The Play Effects include Groove Quantization and a range of offset
parameters affecting overall clock timing, velocity, gate time, and transposition.
“Groove Quantization” is different from standard quantization in that specific beats within a track are
shifted away from precise on-the-beat timing to create a natural “groove.” Both the timing and velocity
of certain notes can be affected by groove quantization. This means that unlike standard quantization,
which can make a sequence sound cold and mechanical, groove quantization can significantly enhance
the feel of a track.
100 preset groove “templates” are provided that you can simply select and use. Each groove template
affects different beats in different ways, thus creating different grooves. See the separate Data List
book for a complete list of the available groove templates. There’s also a Groove Editor in which you
can create your own groove template by specifying the precise timing and velocity for each beat.
Groove editing details on page 190.
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