
10–10 Sample Program EX1010 . . . ................................ 10–75
10–11 Printing Labels Four-Up . . . ................................ 10–83
10–12 Printing Labels Four-Up in Sort Order . ....................... 10–85
11–1 Erasing a Screen . ........................................ 11–5
11–2 Cursor Positioning ........................................ 11–6
11–3 Using PLUS for Cursor Positioning ........................... 11–8
11–4 Using Character Attributes . ................................ 11–9
11–5 Using the CONVERSION Phrase ............................. 11–10
11–6 Using the ON EXCEPTION Phrase ........................... 11–13
11–7 Using the SIZE and PROTECTED Phrases ..................... 11–15
11–8 Using the NO ECHO Phrase ................................ 11–16
11–9 Using the DEFAULT Phrase ................................ 11–18
11–10 Using the CONTROL KEY IN Phrase . . ....................... 11–25
11–11 EDITING Phrase Sample Code .............................. 11–29
11–12 Designing a Video Form for a Daily Calendar ................... 11–36
12–1 Run Unit with Three Separately Compiled Programs ............. 12–2
12–2 Run Unit with a Main Program and Two Contained Programs ...... 12–3
12–3 Run Unit with Three Separately Compiled Programs, One with Two
Contained Programs ...................................... 12–4
12–4 Execution Sequence of Nested CALL Statements . ............... 12–6
12–5 Sequence of Messages Displayed When Example 12–4 Is Run ...... 12–8
12–6 Using the COMMON Clause ................................ 12–14
12–7 Calling a COBOL Program from C ............................ 12–20
12–8 C Include File cobfunc.h .................................... 12–20
12–9 COBOL Called Program "CALLEDFROMC" .................... 12–21
12–10 C Program Using cobcall, cobfunc, and cobcancel . . ............... 12–22
12–11 COBOL Called Program "PROGCOB" . . ....................... 12–22
12–12 Calling a Fortran Program from a COBOL Program .............. 12–25
12–13 Fortran Subroutine SQROOT ................................ 12–26
12–14 Calling a BASIC Program from a COBOL Program ............... 12–27
12–15 BASIC Program "APP" and Output Data ....................... 12–28
12–16 C Routine to Be Called from a COBOL Program . . ............... 12–29
12–17 Calling a C Program from a COBOL Program ................... 12–29
13–1 User-Written Condition Handler ............................. 13–17
13–2 Random Number Generator (OpenVMS) ....................... 13–19
13–3 Using the SYS$SETDDIR System Service (OpenVMS) ............ 13–20
13–4 Using $ASCTIM (OpenVMS) ................................ 13–20
13–5 Sample Run of CALLTIME (OpenVMS) . ....................... 13–21
13–6 Using LIB$K_* and LIB$_* Symbols (OpenVMS) . ............... 13–22
16–1 Using *DC SET ALIGNMENT Directives ...................... 16–8
16–2 Using /ALIGNMENT with SYNCHRONIZED ................... 16–9
16–3 Comparing /NOALIGN, /ALIGN and /ALIGN=PADDING . . . ....... 16–10
16–4 Data Map for /NOALIGNMENT ............................. 16–11
16–5 Data Map for /ALIGNMENT, -align ........................... 16–11
16–6 Data Map for /ALIGNMENT=PADDING, -align pad .............. 16–12
B–1 Signed and Unsigned Differences ............................. B–18
B–2 Illegal Return Value Coding . ................................ B–19