
This manual provides information to help you develop Compaq COBOL programs
for the OpenVMS Alpha and Compaq Tru64 UNIX platforms.
Compaq COBOL is the new name for DEC COBOL and for DIGITAL COBOL.
Compaq COBOL, unmodified, refers to the COBOL language on three platforms:
OpenVMS Alpha
Tru64 UNIX
Windows NT Alpha (described in separate documentation)
Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX is the new name for VAX COBOL and
DIGITAL VAX COBOL. It is the COBOL implementation for the OpenVMS VAX
platform. (It is described in a separate documentation set.)
Any references to the former names in product documentation or other
components should be construed as references to the Compaq COBOL names.
All references in this manual to Windows NT mean Microsoft Windows NT Alpha.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for experienced applications programmers who have a
thorough understanding of the COBOL language. Some familiarity with your
operating system is also recommended. This is not a tutorial manual.
If you are a new COBOL user, you may need to read introductory COBOL
textbooks or take COBOL courses. Additional prerequisites are described at the
beginning of each chapter or appendix, if appropriate.
Document Structure
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 describes how to create, compile, link, and run Compaq COBOL
programs and how to develop programs at the command level.
Chapter 2 describes how the Compaq COBOL compiler stores, represents,
moves, and manipulates numeric data.
Chapter 3 describes how the Compaq COBOL compiler stores, represents,
moves, and manipulates nonnumeric data.
Chapter 4 describes how to define, initialize, and access tables.
Chapter 5 describes how to perform text manipulation using the STRING,
UNSTRING, and INSPECT statements.
Chapter 6 describes I/O services provided by the operating systems, including
record management services.
Chapter 7 describes how to include exception handling routines in Compaq
COBOL programs.