
Chapter 8 describes file sharing and record locking for sequential, relative,
and indexed files.
Chapter 9 describes how to sort and merge files using the SORT and MERGE
Chapter 10 describes how to produce printed reports.
Chapter 11 describes screen handling using the Compaq COBOL ACCEPT
and DISPLAY statements.
Chapter 12 describes how Compaq COBOL programs communicate with
each other or with non-COBOL programs through the CALL statement and
external data.
Chapter 13 describes the use of Compaq COBOL in the OpenVMS Alpha
Common Language Environment.
Chapter 14 describes how to use the REFORMAT utility, which converts
terminal format source programs to conventional ANSI format and converts
conventional ANSI format source programs to terminal format.
Chapter 15 presents guidelines for using the Compaq COBOL compiler
optimization features.
Chapter 16 describes how to use compile-time and run-time features to
optimize the use of system resources while also maximizing run-time
Appendix A contains a list of Compaq COBOL specificatons and limits on the
Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS Alpha systems.
Appendix B describes compatibility and portability issues between Compaq
COBOL for OpenVMS VAX and Compaq COBOL on the Tru64 UNIX and
OpenVMS Alpha systems.
Appendix C describes optional programming productivity tools available on
OpenVMS Alpha systems and Tru64 UNIX systems.
Appendix D describes porting assistance for migrating applications between
other COBOL compilers and Compaq COBOL.
The Index indexes and references terms in this manual.
Associated Documents
The following documents contain additional information directly related to
various topics in this manual:
Compaq COBOL Reference Manual
This manual describes the concepts and rules of the Compaq COBOL
programming language under the supported operating systems.
Release Notes
Consult the Compaq COBOL release notes for your installed version for late
corrections and new features.
On the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, the release notes are in: