Delta DO 9704 Marine Instruments User Manual

The transmission parameters with which the instrument is supplied are:
* Baud Rate 19200 Baud
* Parity None
* N. bit 8
* Stop bit 1
* Protocol Xon/Xoff
The data transmission speed may be changed by pressing the PROG key on the instrument to alter
the set-up parameter P3. The possible Baud Rates are: 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300.
The other transmission parameters are fixed.
All the messages reaching and leaving the instrument must be inserted in a “Communication fra-
me” with the following structure:
-Record- constitutes the message
-cr- Carriage Return (ASCII 0D)
AA Type of terminal MANOMETER – DL
AG Firmware Version Vx Rx
AH Firmware Date dd/mm/yy
A* ?
SA Request Input A
SB Request Input B
SC Request Input A-B
SI Measurement MANOMETER - DL
It is possible to unload data onto a computer using the Xon/Xoff protocol to control the data flow:
The character Xoff (hex 13) on the serial line stops the data unloading in progress.
The character Xon (hex 11) reactivates the suspended data unloading in progress.
Dumping data from the memory
Press the PROG key twice until P1 appears on the display.
Press the ENTER key.
The instrument continues to show P1 on the display and dumps the data from the instrument’s
internal memory through the serial line.