Configure a map fix so the unit can find your position on a
printed chart or topographical map.
Press → to SELECT ORIGIN|ENT|ENT|ENT to bring up the waypoint list.
Select the waypoint (or a landmark of POI) that you saved the reference
point under and press
ENT. The unit displays a waypoint information
screen with the command
SET AS ORIGIN selected; press ENT and the unit
returns to the Configure Map Fix menu. Finally, press
EXIT to erase
this menu. Now press ↑ to
COORD SYSTEM|ENT, select MAP FIX from the
list and press
ENT|EXIT. All position information now shows as a dis-
tance from the reference point you chose.
Map Orientation
By default, this receiver shows the map with north always at the top of
the screen. This is the way most maps and charts are printed on paper.
Map orientation at left is shown in north up and at right, track up.
In Track Up mode, map shows "N" and arrow to indicate north.