Tide Information screen.
The Tide Information screen displays daily tidal data for this station on
this date at the present time. The graph at the top of the screen is an
approximate view of the tidal range pattern for the day, from midnight
(MN), to noon (NN) to midnight (MN). The dotted line across the graph
is the Mean Lower Low Water line (MLLW).
The height scale on the top right side of the graph changes, based upon
the maximum range of the tide for that day. The MLLW line also ad-
justs its position as the height scale changes.
You can look up tidal data for other dates by changing the month, day
and year selection boxes. To select another date:
1. Use → and ← to highlight month, day or year, then press
2. Use ↑ and ↓ to select the desired month, day or year, then press
To clear the information screen, press
Overlay Data
On any Page display but Status you can float additional data of your
own choosing in your display window. For example, if you left your
watch at home, you could add the local time to your display. Or, if you
wanted to see details about your route and trip, you could show your
bearing, course, average speed and trip distance.
The various data available from your unit are divided into categories in
the Overlay Data menu. These categories include GPS Data, Naviga-
tion, Trip Calculator and Time.
You can select items from any of these categories for display, in any
combination — the category divisions are there only to help you sort
through the information.