Furuno 2105 Marine GPS System User Manual

154 · Raster Chart material
Permanent warnings of ARCS
The system can powerfully assist you to keep your charts up-to-date for the charts which you have got from ARCS.
Chart producer of ARCS has stored up-to-date situation on ARCS weekly update CD-ROM (System Files). This
information is loaded into the ECDIS when you Update either By Permits or By Active Group. Based on this
information, ARCS Permanent Message is used to assist you to keep the ARCS up-to-date.
Chart is loaded from RCxx CD, but not updated
using ARCS weekly Update CD.
Perform Update for the chart.
Chart is not updated using ARCS weekly update CD
from which ARCS system files are loaded.
Use Correct ARCS weekly Update CD to load
updates for chart.
Updates for the chart are not for same edition as
chart. Load chart from the latest RCxx CD-ROM
and Update chart using latest Update CD-ROM
Chart is cancelled and not kept up-to-date by chart
producer anymore.
ARCS license has expired.
Contact Chart Agent to renew your license.