Furuno 2105 Marine GPS System User Manual

294 · Reference Targets
How to select Reference target for Monitor mode
Reference Target which is for Monitor mode is displayed on Upper status bar in field of Reference Target. If text of
Reference Target on Upper right hand corner is red it is indication that the Workstation is in Plan mode for
Reference Target. To activate Monitor mode and select Reference Target for monitor mode, proceed as follows:
1. Press REFERENCE TARGET button and select Activate Monitor mode> Goto Monitor mode. (If you
already have desired Reference Target in Plan mode, you can use Activate Monitor mode> Move Planned for
Monitor mode to select it for Monitor mode and you can continue from step 4).
2. Press REFERENCE TARGET push button and select from menu Select.
3. Reference Target list box appears to the dialog box area. Highlight desired Reference Target to select it.
4. Reference Target will be loaded to Monitor mode and it is displayed on the Electronic chart area. For more
information about control Reference Target display, see Chapter "Details of chart display".