Furuno 2105 Marine GPS System User Manual

358 · ARPA Target functions
ECDIS shows it as safe and vice versa. You can set CPA and TCPA limits used by the ECDIS in Danger Targets
sheet of Voyage Recording. For more information, see chapter "How to set conditions of viewing and logging
Danger Targets" on page 387.
Display of lost ARPA radar targets
A Lost ARPA radar target is displayed as a blinking target symbols between colours green and dark yellow.
Display of True or Relative speed vectors
Targets vector can be displayed relative to own ship's heading (RelVect) or with reference to the North (TrueVect).
Both presentation modes can be used with relative motion (RM) or true motion (TM) of own ship display mode.
Presentation of True Vectors (TrueVect) Presentation of Relative Vectors (RelVect)
Vector time (or the length of vectors) and presentation mode can be set in Chart page of Chart Display
1. Press Chart Display button, open Chart page.
2. Enter in Speed Vectors field desired time in unit of
3. Select desired presentation mode for speed vectors
(TRUE = True Vectors, RELATIVE = Relative
Permanent indication of vectors' presentation mode is displayed upper right hand corner of ECDIS screen.
Note, that permanent indication changes it's colour between black and red depending on selected display mode of
own ship: