Furuno 2105 Marine GPS System User Manual

Raster Chart material · 161
How to load a new ARCS chart into the system
To load ARCS format raster chart into the system which ones you have a permit.
· Load by permit. You can load all the charts which are involved in your licence. The system
will load them automatically.
· Load by active group. You can define a group of charts to be loaded into the system. It will
be useful to define groups to make it easier to maintain your database.
· Load manual. You can select manually the charts, which will be loaded into the system.
Load by permits
1. Press CHART PLAN push button.
2. Select Load from the menu and by permits from the sub menu
3. Insert desired CD-ROM into drive and press Load. A progress indicator of
loading appears.
This dialog box displays status of loading.
4. Repeat step 3 until you have loaded all the CD-ROMs involved your
licence, after you have load all the CD-ROMs, press Cancel to close ARCS
Load dialog box.