Furuno 2105 Marine GPS System User Manual

Reference Targets · 299
How to select Reference target to be modified
In a Record field number of current indicates reference target record which is currently to be modified. You have
three alternatives to select desired reference target record:
· Enter desired number of Reference target record in Record field to Waypoint edit box. To modify Waypoint's
number take cursor to Waypoint edit box and press Select button. Enter desired number and press OK.
· Use First, <<, >>, Last buttons to find desired Reference target record.
· Use INFO/HELP push button to select Reference target record. Take cursor into the Electronic chart area above
desired symbol of Reference target and press INFO/HELP push button.
Change Reference target position
To change position of Reference target you have two alternatives to do it:
· Enter latitude and longitude to Position field.
· Drag and drop symbol of reference point with CHART ALIGN push button.
Enter latitude and longitude to Position field:
1. Select desired Reference target record.
2. Enter co-ordinates of latitude and longitude to Position field. To modify co-ordinate of Latitude take cursor to
Lat edit box and press Select button. Enter co-ordinate and press OK. To the same way to modify co-ordinate
of longitude.
Drag and drop symbol of Reference target to new position:
CHART ALIGN pushbutton
1. Take cursor into the Electronic chart area above desired symbol of
Reference target.
2. Press CHART ALING push button and move cursor to desired position.
Keep CHART ALIGN button pressed down while you move cursor and
release it when cursor is in right position.
Change other data of Reference target
To change other data of Reference target, such as name, element type and seeking range, proceed as follows:
1. Select desired Reference target record. For more information to select Reference target record, "How to select
Reference target to be modified" on page 299.
2. Take cursor to desired edit box and press Select button. Modify field's value and press OK.