Furuno 2105 Marine GPS System User Manual

Alarms · 417
There are three kind of alarms generated by ECDIS or Track Pilot processors. To see list of alarms, see "List of
alarms" on page 419.
Alarms generated by Navigation Calculation
Navigation Calculation generates following alarms:
· Error detected in any sensor
· Radar communication error
· Software alarms, etc.
The alarms are displayed on the ECDIS screen left corner of lower status bar. Press Alarm Ack pushbutton from the
Control Panel to reset the alarm on the screen.
Lower status bar, when an alarm is generated by Navigation Calculation.
Alarms generated by Chart Calculation
Chart Calculation generates following alarms:
· new pilot data notebook page available
· Chart Alarms based on S57 charts
· Chart Alarms based on User Chart dangerous Symbols, Lines and Areas
The alarms are displayed on the ECDIS screen left corner of lower status bar. Press Alarm Ack pushbutton from the
Control Panel to reset the alarm on the screen.
Lower status bar, when an alarm is generated by Chart Calculation.