B Manually modifying configuration settings
Synchronize display names with computer names option
The Deployment Server can use a console display name that is different from the actual computer
name. However, the console can always reflect the same name as the computer name.
To manually enable synchronization of the display and computer names:
1. In the Deployment Server Console, click Tools>Options.
2. Click the Global tab.
3. Select the Synchronize display names with computer names.
4. Click OK.
Primary lookup key option
The Deployment Server uses the primary lookup key to determine if a server exists in the database.
HP recommends setting the primary lookup key as the server serial number and MAC address.
To manually set the primary lookup key to serial number and MAC address:
1. In the Deployment Server Console, click Tools>Options.
2. Click the Global tab.
3. Select Serial Number and MAC Address as the Primary lookup keys.
4. Click OK.
PXE initial deploy boot timeout option
By default, when a new computer (a computer not listed in the Deployment Server database)
performs a PXE boot, the PXE server sends the computer the PXE menu and waits for manual
selection of the Initial Deployment option. This process is not practical for servers, especially server
blades with no local keyboard, mouse, or monitor.
To manually change the Initial Deploy boot option:
1. In the Deployment Server Console, click Tools>PXE Configuration.
2. Click the DS tab.
3. Select Enable response to request from computers not in the DS Database.
4. Select Wait for Boot Menu default timeout before continuing with the PXE process.
5. Click Save, and then click OK.
Client/server file transfer port option
For adlagent to properly transfer files under VMware ESX 3.x, the client/server file transfer port
must be set to match the value in the supplied ESX kickstart files.
To manually set the client/server file transfer port to 4300:
1. In the Deployment Server Console, click Tools>Options.
2. Click the Global tab.
3. Select Client/server file transfer port, and enter 4300.
4. Click OK.
Windows product keys
For Windows scripted installation deployments, you must provide a Windows product key.
To manually configure the Windows product keys:
1. In the Deployment Server Console, click Tools>Integration Module>User Tokens Editor.
2. Add or edit the appropriate entry.
3. Click Save.
Synchronize display names with computer names option 23