Nautique 200 Boat User Manual

Getting Underway
After fueling:
1. Tighten the fuel filler cap. Wipe up any spilled fuel.
2. Check all fuel lines, hoses and connections for leaks and
Each time you refuel, inspect all fuel lines, hoses and connections
for leaks and deterioration.
When boarding the boat, always step in. DO NOT jump. Avoid
stepping on fiberglass or other potentially slippery surfaces. Board
one person at a time.
DO NOT board the boat while carrying gear. Set the gear on the
dock, board the boat and then pick up the gear.
Use the boarding platform to board from the water. To prevent
injury, make sure the engine is OFF when swimmers, divers and
skiers are boarding or even near the platform.
Boat Planing
The performance of your Nautique boat depends on load weight
and distribution. DISTRIBUTE WEIGHT EVENLY, from bow to
stern, and also from port to starboard.
If your boat is equipped with a ballast tank or loaded, loss of
horizon may occur when you begin to plane your boat. Get on
plane immediately to restore the vision of your path. DO NOT
operate your boat if the loss of horizon prevents you from operating
it safely.
Overloading of passengers, personal
equipment and supplies could result in an accident,
especially in rough waters.
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