Section 6
Running your boat in shallow water can cause propeller shaft,
strut, propeller and rudder damage and sand and silt to be pulled
into the cooling system. This will cause excessive water pump wear
and can clog the water passages in the engine. Heavy weed growth
in the water can plug the raw water strainer and oil coolers and
cause engine damage. There is a raw water strainer located near
the rear of the engine to strain the water before it goes into the
transmission cooler and then the engine. Check this every time you
use your boat to make sure it is not clogged.
Refer to Section 1, Hazardous Conditions, Boating Safety.
If the engine fails to start or is not operating properly, contact your
Nautique dealer for assistance.
Keep the control lever clean and clear of obstructions. Refer to
your engine operator and maintenance manual for shifting
Always pause in NEUTRAL before shifting from reverse to forward
and from forward to reverse.
Practice steering your boat. Make sure the steering system is
working correctly and is properly maintained.
The steering system must be in good
operating condition for safe boating. Frequent
inspection, lubrication and adjustment by your Nautique
dealer is recommended.
Boat movement without making sure your
path is clear can cause death or serious injury. Make
sure there are no swimmers or obstacles in the water
near you.
D-Drive Sec 6_2010:Nautique Ski Sec 6.qxd 7/23/09 4:46 PM Page 6-14