Section 8
Common stains and steps to treat:
Step #1 Step #2 Step #3
Chewing gum D A D then A
Eye shadow E B E then B
Engine oil B B B
Spray paint C B B
Mildew or wet leaves * D B A
Shoe polish * A B
Yellow mustard D B
Oil based paint (fresh) D B
Oil based paint (dried) A B
Suntan lotion * D B
Tar/Asphalt A B
Lipstick A B
Latex paint A B
Crayon D B
Ketchup A B
Grease D B
Ball-point ink * E B
Permanent marker * E B
Coffee, tea, chocolate B B
Use the chart above to clean common stains:
A. Medium-soft brush, warm, soapy water/rinse/dry
B. Meguires Quick Clean #52
C. One(1) tablespoon ammonia, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, 3/4
cup water rinse/dry
D. Wipe or scrape off excess (chill gum with ice)
E. Denatured Alcohol/rinse/dry
After all cleaning methods, rinse well with water.
*Suntan lotion, shoe polish, wet leaves and some other products
contain dyes that stain permanently.
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