Section 4
There are three small lights in the dash display that indicate the
status of Nautique Cruise. The top light is labeled MPH, the middle
one labeled RPM, and the bottom one labeled SET. When
Nautique Cruise is on either the MPH or RPM light will be
illuminated and the SET light will either be off, flashing slowly, or
on continuously. When the SET light is off, Nautique Cruise will not
control speed and the throttle control will function normally at all
speeds. If the SET light is flashing Nautique Cruise is armed but the
boat speed is below the set point. The throttle control will function
normally as long as the boat speed is below the set point. When the
speed nears the set point, Nautique Cruise will take over
controlling the speed. When Nautique Cruise takes over the SET
light illuminates continuously.
After Nautique Cruise takes control, it is best to push the throttle
control handle down a good portion of the way toward full throttle
in order for Nautique Cruise to function correctly. Nautique
Cruise can be turned off by pulling the throttle back toward
neutral, by pushing the Cancel button or by turning Nautique
Cruise off.
When the ignition is turned OFF and back ON, Nautique Cruise
will “remember” the last set point and return to it. The indicator
lights will provide the operator with an indication of the Nautique
Cruise status.
There are two ways to operate the buttons on the steering wheel
hub. One is to “push and release” (push and after a short delay of
more than 1/2 second but less than two seconds, release the
button). The other is to “push and hold” (push and after a longer
delay of at least two seconds, release the button).
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