Nautique 200 Boat User Manual

Section 1
Navigation Lights
All power boats underway between sunset and sunrise must display
proper navigation lights. All boats at anchor must display a proper
anchor light. The anchor light must be visible 360 degrees.
Horn or Whistle
All boats over 16 feet (4.8 meters) in length must be equipped with
an operable horn or whistle, audible from one mile. Your Nautique
boat is equipped with a USCG approved horn.
Fire Extinguisher
At least one approved B-1 portable fire extinguisher is required.
Make sure all passengers know the location and operating
procedure for each fire extinguisher. Check fire extinguisher
regularly for condition and state of charge.
1. Overcharge
2. Recharge
Portable Fire Extinguisher
Visual Distress Signals
All boats over 16 feet (4.8 meters) must have onboard day and
night visual distress signals when operating on coastal waters, the
Great Lakes, territorial seas or those waters directly connected to
them, up to a point where the body of water is less than two miles
wide. Carry several types of signaling devices to handle a variety of
conditions. Your Nautique dealer can help you select appropriate
visual distress signals for your area.
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