Chapter 2: API Definitions
String applicationId - CC-SG generated string which uniquely
identifies the access application type within CC-SG for out-of-
band access designated for use within CC-SG. String is null if
not applicable to the interface.
boolean userAuthorizedForMethod - value of the authorization for
the user to access this interface with this application. If the user
has permission, the value is TRUE.
Represents a category based label placed on the node.
String category - The unique name identifying the category.
String element - The value from the category that labels this
Describes the current state of the interface.
String interfaceID
String availability – Text description of the availability field. For
example, if an operation is still in progress, availability will
indicate "Processing." Availability may be Idle, Busy, or
String status – Text description of the status field. For example,
Up or Down.
Description of the node's attachment to the end point.
String ip - host IP address for the interface. This field is filled in
for in-band interfaces only; otherwise, it is the empty string.
String hostname - hostname for the interface (for in-band
interfaces only ) based on query using the supplied host IP
String portName i.e the name for the port for out-of-band
interfaces only; otherwise it is the empty string.
String portID - the Raritan port ID for out-of-band interfaces. This
is a unique generated value that occurs as part of configuration
of a Raritan devices' ports. This field is empty for in-band