Chapter 2: API Definitions
Retrieves nodes by the name of the interface.
String sessionID
String interfaceName - Interface name to find (accepts wildcards
_ and %)
return value
Find a node based on the category label applied to it.
String sessionID
String category - The unique name identifying the category
String element - The value from the category that labels this node
return value
boolean true on success
This operation retrieves all available nodes for a particular user, by
username. For each node that a user has access to, its interfaces are
checked and all relevant data recorded for both in-band and out-of-band
interfaces. All interfaces for one node are then inserted into one object -
NodeData, which besides the interfaces data, also contains the name of
the particular node, for identification. An array list of all nodes that the
user has access to and their interfaces is returned on success.
String username
return value NodeData [ ]
Custom class NodeData has the following properties
String name, i.e. the name of the node
InterfaceData[ ]interfacesData, i.e. data about interfaces
contained in the node