7 – Troubleshooting
Sound breaks up or there is noise.
The processing load on the computer causes sound to break up
and noise to occur.
Here are some methods to reduce the load on the computer.
1) Wireless networks and software (including antivirus software)
running in the background puts processing loads on the
computer that can cause the sound to break up and other noise.
Stop wireless LAN transmission, antivirus software and other
software running in the background when using this unit.
2) Set the buffer size (latency) in the audio application that you
are using or in this unit's Mixer Panel to a larger value.
Consult the maker of the audio application that you are
using for ways to reduce its load on your computer.
3) Change the settings of your computer so that they are
optimal for audio processing.
Windows 8
1. In Windows 8, right-click the ordinary Start screen (Metro
user interface screen) and then click “All apps”.
2. Right-click “Computer” and select “Properties”.
3. Click “Advanced system settings”.
4. On the Advanced tab of the System Properties window, click
“Settings…” in the Performance section.
5. On the Visual Effects tab of the Performance Options
window, select “Adjust for best performance”.
Windows 7
a) Turn Aero off.
1. Right-click the desktop and select “Personalize”.
2. Select one of the “Basic and High Contrast Themes”.
b) Performance settings
1. Right-click “Computer” and select “Properties”.
2. Click “Advanced system settings”.
3. On the Advanced tab of the System Properties window, click
“Settings…” in the Performance section.
4. On the Visual Effects tab of the Performance Options
window, select “Adjust for best performance”.
Windows XP
1. Right-click “My Computer” and select “Properties”.
2. Click the “Advanced” tab.
3. Click “Settings” in the Performance section.
4. In the Performance Options window, select “Adjust for best
Mac OS X
1. Select “System Preferences…” from the Apple menu, and
open the Energy Saver pane.
2. Set “Computer sleep” to “Never”.
3. Set “Display sleep” to “Never”.
Depending on the Mac OS X version and Macintosh
computer model, this setting might not be available.
Something is wrong with the volume.
A mixer function might be affecting the volume.
Open the MIXER page of the Mixer Panel and check all the
Something is wrong with the sound.
A built-in effect might be changing the sound quality. Open the
EFFECTS page of the Mixer Panel and check all the settings.