Special versions of the Link 10 are available, for additional charge, which
include a solid state Alarm Switch to ground via rear panel terminal strip
Pin #7. This option is used in a variety of settings such as lift pump lock out
on fork lifts, two wire generator start/stop, audible low battery alarms, and
charge controllers. The additional circuitry of the switch may not be retrofitted
to the Link 10 in the field. It must be included at the time of manufacture.
The Low Battery Alarm Switch goes low to meter ground when the alarm
is activated. In other words, a sinking FET switch to the meter's negative
power lead is completed while the alarm is active. This lead is protected
against polarity reversal so the "switch" connection has about 1 ohm of
resistance. This should be taken into account when sizing relays or
designing logic interfaces. The maximum amount of current that may be
controlled by this circuit is 150 mA (0.150 A) at no more than 50 V. Below
are two typical applications for the optional Low Battery Alarm Switch:
+ DC Alarm Power.
Negative must be common
to the Link 10.
12 V or 24 V
Piezo alarm
<150 mA.
Optional Alarm Switch
To Pin 7, the Link 10
rear panel term. strip.
Controlled Circuit
To Pin #7
The Link 10
Alarm Defeat
Switch On-Off
+ DC Relay Power (<50 V). Nega-
tive must be common to the Link 10.
+ -