4 Turn on the server.
Yo u’re now ready to begin using your microphone.
You may want to install software that enables you to give spoken commands
to the server, get computer-voice feedback to your spoken commands, and
have the server read text to you. For information about installing software on
your server, see Chapter 3, “Using Application Software,” in the Wo rk gr ou p
Server Administrator’s Guide. To set the sound options for your microphone,
see “Choosing Sound Devices and Alert Sounds” in Chapter 1 of the
Work gr o up Server Administrator’s Guide. For further instructions on how to use
speech software, see the “Speech” topic of Macintosh Guide, available in the
Guide (h) menu.
Connecting external stereo speakers
You can take advantage of your server’s stereo sound output by attaching
externally powered (amplified) speakers.
1 Assemble the speakers and the cable you need.
You need a cable with stereo miniplugs at each end to connect one or both
speakers to the server. (Some speakers require a dual-plug adapter. Others,
like those shown in the next illustration, accept a single stereo miniplug and
are joined by standard speaker wires.)
2 Turn off the server.
3 Plug a stereo miniplug into the sound output port (
) on the server.
4 Plug a stereo miniplug into the Audio In port on one of the speakers.
If the speakers take a dual-plug cable, connect both plugs.
Connecting audio equipment 69