
Integrated Cleaner Operation
A40-039 Rev 1 Page 15
Solution amounts: Chemistry concentrations may vary. The amount of
chemistry you use depends on the detergent and the type of soil to be
removed. Follow instructions on the solution container.
Solution Characteristics: Certain solutions cavitate better than others.
Contact your local solution distributor for further information. Solution Life
Change the cleaning solution periodically. Cleaning solutions become depleted
through use and can become contaminated with suspended soil particles that
coat the tank bottom, dampen the ultrasonic action and reduce cleaning
4.5 Solution Compatibility
Cleaning solutions may interact with materials and cause staining or etching. The following table
is a guideline for use with Branson solutions. Consult the solution supplier for compatibility of
non-Branson solutions.
Table 2 Solution Compatibility
Steel Brass Aluminum Magnesium Zinc Copper or
BC Buffing
none Slight
none none attacks none none
EC Electronics
none none Slight etch none none none none
GP General Purpose none none Slight etch none none none none
JC Jewelry none none none none none none none
OC Optical none none none none*** none*** none none***
OR Oxide Remover slight none Slight attack attacks attacks none none
MC-3 Metal Cleaner none none none none none none none
LRS Rust Stripper none none attacks** attacks** attacks none Slight attack
Slight etch on some aluminum alloys.
** Warning: Free hydrogen may be released if solution comes in contact with reactive metals.
*** No effect if solution temperature is less than 140F.
4.6 Filling the Tank
Fill the tank to 2 to 4 inches below the top with the selected pre-mixed solution. Allow
for the volume of parts that may be cleaned.
Figure 4-2 Filling the Tank
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