
Chapter 12. Working With Hosts
done, CloudPlatform recalculates or scales the used and reserved capacities based on the new over-
provisioning ratios, to ensure that CloudPlatform is correctly tracking the amount of free capacity.
It is safer not to deploy additional new VMs while the capacity recalculation is underway, in case
the new values for available capacity are not high enough to accommodate the new VMs. Just
wait for the new used/available values to become available, to be sure there is room for all the
new VMs you want.
To change the over-provisioning ratios for an existing cluster:
1. Log in as administrator to the CloudPlatform UI.
2. In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure.
3. Under Clusters, click View All.
4. Select the cluster you want to work with, and click the Edit button.
5. Fill in your desired over-provisioning multipliers in the fields CPU overcommit ratio and RAM
overcommit ratio. The value which is intially shown in these fields is the default value inherited
from the global configuration settings.
In XenServer, due to a constraint of this hypervisor, you can not use an over-provisioning
factor greater than 4.
12.9.4. Service Offering Limits and Over-Provisioning
Service offering limits (e.g. 1 GHz, 1 core) are strictly enforced for core count. For example, a guest
with a service offering of one core will have only one core available to it regardless of other activity on
the Host.
Service offering limits for gigahertz are enforced only in the presence of contention for CPU resources.
For example, suppose that a guest was created with a service offering of 1 GHz on a Host that has
2 GHz cores, and that guest is the only guest running on the Host. The guest will have the full 2 GHz
available to it. When multiple guests are attempting to use the CPU a weighting factor is used to
schedule CPU resources. The weight is based on the clock speed in the service offering. Guests
receive a CPU allocation that is proportionate to the GHz in the service offering. For example, a guest
created from a 2 GHz service offering will receive twice the CPU allocation as a guest created from a 1
GHz service offering. CloudPlatform does not perform memory over-provisioning.
12.10. VLAN Provisioning
CloudPlatform automatically creates and destroys interfaces bridged to VLANs on the hosts. In
general the administrator does not need to manage this process.