
Chapter 9.
Service Offerings
In this chapter we discuss compute, disk, and system service offerings. Network offerings are
discussed in the section on setting up networking for users.
9.1. Compute and Disk Service Offerings
A service offering is a set of virtual hardware features such as CPU core count and speed, memory,
and disk size. The CloudPlatform administrator can set up various offerings, and then end users
choose from the available offerings when they create a new VM. A service offering includes the
following elements:
CPU, memory, and network resource guarantees
How resources are metered
How the resource usage is charged
How often the charges are generated
For example, one service offering might allow users to create a virtual machine instance that is
equivalent to a 1 GHz Intel® Core™ 2 CPU, with 1 GB memory at $0.20/hour, with network traffic
metered at $0.10/GB. Based on the user’s selected offering, CloudPlatform emits usage records
that can be integrated with billing systems. CloudPlatform separates service offerings into compute
offerings and disk offerings. The computing service offering specifies:
Guest CPU
Guest RAM
Guest Networking type (virtual or direct)
Tags on the root disk
The disk offering specifies:
Disk size (optional). An offering without a disk size will allow users to pick their own
Tags on the data disk
9.1.1. Creating a New Compute Offering
To create a new compute offering:
1. Log in with admin privileges to the CloudPlatform UI.
2. In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings.
3. In Select Offering, choose Compute Offering.
4. Click Add Compute Offering.
5. In the dialog, make the following choices:
Name: Any desired name for the service offering.
Description: A short description of the offering that can be displayed to users