Chapter 15. Working with Usage
Parameter Name Description
Default: The time zone of the management
usage.sanity.check.interval The number of days between sanity checks. Set
this in order to periodically search for records
with erroneous data before issuing customer
invoices. For example, this checks for VM usage
records created after the VM was destroyed, and
similar checks for templates, volumes, and so
on. It also checks for usage times longer than the
aggregation range. If any issue is found, the alert
is sent.
usage.stats.job.aggregation.range The time period in minutes between Usage
Server processing jobs. For example, if you set it
to 1440, the Usage Server will run once per day.
If you set it to 600, it will run every ten hours.
In general, when a Usage Server job runs, it
processes all events generated since usage was
last run.
There is special handling for the case of 1440
(once per day). In this case the Usage Server
does not necessarily process all records since
Usage was last run. CloudPlatform assumes
that you require processing once per day for the
previous, complete day’s records. For example,
if the current day is October 7, then it is assumed
you would like to process records for October
6, from midnight to midnight. CloudPlatform
assumes this “midnight to midnight” is relative to
the usage.execution.timezone.
Default: 1440
usage.stats.job.exec.time The time when the Usage Server processing will
start. It is specified in 24-hour format (HH:MM)
in the time zone of the server, which should be
GMT. For example, to start the Usage job at
10:30 GMT, enter “10:30”.
If usage.stats.job.aggregation.range is also
set, and its value is not 1440, then its value
will be added to usage.stats.job.exec.time to
get the time to run the Usage Server job again.
This is repeated until 24 hours have elapsed,
and the next day's processing begins again at
Default: 00:15.
For example, suppose that your server is in GMT, your user population is predominantly in the East
Coast of the United States, and you would like to process usage records every night at 2 AM local
(EST) time. Choose these settings: