
Creating a New Network Offering
Supported Services. Select one or more of the possible network services. For some services,
you must also choose the service provider; for example, if you select Load Balancer, you can
choose the CloudPlatform virtual router or any other load balancers that have been configured
in the cloud. Depending on which services you choose, additional fields may appear in the rest
of the dialog box.
Based on the guest network type selected, you can see the following supported services:
Supported Services Description Isolated Shared
DHCP For more information,
see Section 16.23,
“DNS and DHCP”.
Supported Supported
DNS For more information,
see Section 16.23,
“DNS and DHCP”.
Supported Supported
Load Balancer If you select Load
Balancer, you
can choose the
CloudPlatform virtual
router or any other
load balancers that
have been configured
in the cloud.
Supported Supported
Firewall For more
information, see the
Administration Guide.
Supported Supported
Source NAT If you select Source
NAT, you can choose
the CloudPlatform
virtual router or any
other Source NAT
providers that have
been configured in
the cloud.
Supported Supported
Static NAT If you select Static
NAT, you can choose
the CloudPlatform
virtual router or any
other Static NAT
providers that have
been configured in
the cloud.
Supported Supported
Port Forwarding If you select Port
Forwarding, you
can choose the
CloudPlatform virtual
router or any other
Port Forwarding
providers that have
Supported Supported