
Customizing the Network Domain Name
The following example shows how to configure two Syslog managers at IP addresses
and Substitute your own IP addresses. You can set Facility to any syslog-defined value,
such as LOCAL0 - LOCAL7. Do not change the other values.
<appender name="ALERTSYSLOG">
<param name="Threshold" value="WARN"/>
<param name="SyslogHosts" value=","/>
<param name="Facility" value="LOCAL6"/>
<param name="ConversionPattern" value=""/>
4. If your cloud has multiple Management Server nodes, repeat these steps to edit log4j-cloud.xml on
every instance.
5. If you have made these changes while the Management Server is running, wait a few minutes for
the change to take effect.
Troubleshooting: If no alerts appear at the configured SNMP or Syslog manager after a reasonable
amount of time, it is likely that there is an error in the syntax of the <appender> entry in log4j-
cloud.xml. Check to be sure that the format and settings are correct. Deleting an SNMP or Syslog Manager
To remove an external SNMP manager or Syslog manager so that it no longer receives alerts from
CloudPlatform, remove the corresponding entry from the file /etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-
19.5. Customizing the Network Domain Name
The root administrator can optionally assign a custom DNS suffix at the level of a network, account,
domain, zone, or entire CloudPlatform installation, and a domain administrator can do so within their
own domain. To specify a custom domain name and put it into effect, follow these steps.
1. Set the DNS suffix at the desired scope
At the network level, the DNS suffix can be assigned through the UI when creating a new
network, as described in Section 16.10.1, “Adding an Additional Guest Network” or with the
updateNetwork command in the CloudPlatform API.
At the account, domain, or zone level, the DNS suffix can be assigned with the appropriate
CloudPlatform API commands: createAccount, editAccount, createDomain, editDomain,
createZone, or editZone.
At the global level, use the configuration parameter guest.domain.suffix. You can also use the
CloudPlatform API command updateConfiguration. After modifying this global configuration,
restart the Management Server to put the new setting into effect.
2. To make the new DNS suffix take effect for an existing network, call the CloudPlatform API
command updateNetwork. This step is not necessary when the DNS suffix was specified while
creating a new network.
The source of the network domain that is used depends on the following rules.