Chapter 10. Setting Up Networking for Users
• Source NAT per zone is not supported when the service provider is virtual router. However, Source
NAT per account is supported with virtual router in a Shared Network.
For information, see Section 16.5.3, “Configuring a Shared Guest Network”.
10.2.3. Runtime Allocation of Virtual Network Resources
When you define a new virtual network, all your settings for that network are stored in CloudPlatform.
The actual network resources are activated only when the first virtual machine starts in the network.
When all virtual machines have left the virtual network, the network resources are garbage collected
so they can be allocated again. This helps to conserve network resources.
10.3. Network Service Providers
For the most up-to-date list of supported network service providers, see the CloudPlatform UI or
call listNetworkServiceProviders.
A service provider (also called a network element) is hardware or virtual appliance that makes a
network service possible; for example, a firewall appliance can be installed in the cloud to provide
firewall service. On a single network, multiple providers can provide the same network service. For
example, a firewall service may be provided by Cisco or Juniper devices in the same physical network.
You can have multiple instances of the same service provider in a network (say, more than one
Juniper SRX device).
If different providers are set up to provide the same service on the network, the administrator can
create network offerings so users can specify which network service provider they prefer (along with
the other choices offered in network offerings). Otherwise, CloudPlatform will choose which provider to
use whenever the service is called for.
10.4. Network Service Providers Support Matrix
10.4.1. Individual
Y = Supported
N = Not Supported
Virtual Router VPC Virtual
BigIP F5 Juniper SRX Citrix
User Data Y Y N N N
Source NAT Y Y N Y N
Static NAT Y Y N Y N