
Configuring System Information 259
Figure 6-116. NSF Summary
Admin Status — Select the administrative mode for the interface. When enabled, the stack selects a
backup unit to receive checkpointed data from applications on the management unit.
Operation Status — Indicates whether NSF is operational on the stack, which may differ from the
Admin Status setting. If a unit that does not support NSF is connected to the stack, then NSF is
disabled on all stack members. When a unit that does not support NSF is disconnected from the stack
and all other units support NSF, and NSF is administratively enabled, then NSF operation resumes.
Last Startup Reason — The type of activation that caused the software to start the last time. The
possible values are:
Power-On — The switch re-booted. This could have been caused by a power cycle or an
administrative "Reload" command.
Administrative Move — The administrator issued a command for the stand-by manager to take
Warm-Auto-Restart — The primary management card restarted due to a failure, and the system
executed a nonstop forwarding failover.
Cold-Auto-Restart — The system switched from the active manager to the backup manager and
was unable to maintain user data traffic. This is usually caused by multiple failures occurring close
Time Since Last Restart — Time since the current management card became the active management
card. For the backup management unit, the value is set to 0d 00:00:00.
Restart In Progress — Indicates whether a restart is in progress. A restart is not considered complete
until all hardware tables have been fully reconciled.
Warm Restart Ready — Indicates whether the initial full checkpoint has finished.