
xStack DGS/DXS-3300 Series Layer 3 Stackable Gigabit Ethernet Switch CLI Manual
To add the mirroring ports:
DGS-3324SRi:4# config mirror port 1:10 add source ports 1:1-1:5 both
Command: config mirror port 1:10 add source ports 1:1-1:5 both
config mirror port delete
Purpose Used to delete a port mirroring configuration.
config mirror port <port> delete source port <portlist> [rx | tx |
Description This command is used to delete a previously entered port mirroring
port <port> This specifies the Target port (the port where mirrored
packets will be sent). The port is specified by listing the lowest switch
number and the beginning port number on that switch, separated by a
colon. For example, 1:3 specifies switch number 1, port 3. 2:4 specifies
switch number 2, port 4.
delete source port – Adding this parameter will delete source ports
according to ports entered using the <portlist>.
<portlist> This specifies a range of ports that will be mirrored.
That is, the range of ports in which all traffic will be copied and sent
to the Target port. The port list is specified by listing the lowest
switch number and the beginning port number on that switch,
separated by a colon. Then the highest switch number, and the
highest port number of the range (also separated by a colon) are
specified. The beginning and end of the port list range are
separated by a dash. For example, 1:3 specifies switch number 1,
port 3. 2:4 specifies switch number 2, port 4.
rx Allows the mirroring of only packets received by (flowing into) the
port or ports in the port list.
tx Allows the mirroring of only packets sent to (flowing out of) the port
or ports in the port list.
both Mirrors all the packets received or sent by the port or ports in the
port list.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To delete the mirroring ports: