
Installing Patches and Applications
Tips for Installing or Updating HP Applications
Chapter 8132
Installing Optional Software Products
The Applications DVD that is distributed with HP-UX 11i v2 contains
optional development tools and system management software.
HP-UX 11i v2 must be booted in order to install optional software
products. The following is the procedure for installing products from the
Applications DVD.
Step 1. Insert the Applications DVD in the DVD-ROM drive.
Step 2. Mount the Applications DVD.
To install software from the Applications DVD, you must mount the
DVD as a filesystem that HP-UX 11i v2 can access.
a. Determine the DVD device name.
Use the ioscan -funC disk command to list disk devices, including
the DVD devices.
b. Create a mount point for the Applications DVD, if one does not yet
The mount point is a directory that HP-UX will use as an access
point for the DVD. Often a /cdrom directory is used. If this directory
does not exist, create it using the mkdir /cdrom command.
c. Use the mount command to mount the DVD.
Using the mount command, specify the DVD device name and mount
point. For example, the following command mounts the
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0 device as the /cdrom directory.
mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 /cdrom
See the mount (1M) manpage for details.
Step 3. Use swinstall to install software from the Application DVD.
The following example command runs swinstall to install software
from the source mounted at /cdrom.
swinstall -i -s /cdrom
See the swinstall (1M) manpage for details.
Step 4. Select and install software from the Applications DVD.