Preparing to Migrate to HP-UX 11i v2
About Online Diagnostics
Chapter 470
About Online Diagnostics
HP-UX 11i v2 automatically installs diagnostics on all systems to
provide required hardware support. These tools, contained in the
OnlineDiag bundle, give you a complete solution to verify, troubleshoot,
and monitor Itanium-based system hardware, including CPUs, memory,
interface cards, mass storage and other devices.
CAUTION Uninstalling the OnlineDiag bundle prevents products with dependencies
on the diagnostics from functioning correctly.
Not installing OnlineDiag removes protections against hardware
failures that diagnostics provide. Without the tools, it is much harder to
troubleshoot and fix problems if a hardware failure occurs.
To ensure the reliability of your computer system, we highly recommend
installing the OnlineDiag bundle with HP-UX 11i v2 (it will be installed
by default with any HP-UX 11i Operating Environment).
The tools in OnlineDiag:
• Protect you against some hardware failures (for example, some
memory problems)
• Notify you of hardware events that may indicate impending failure
• Maintain logs that can give you critical help in determining the
cause of failures
• Let you troubleshoot system problems with the system online
For most computer systems, no special configuration of the diagnostics is
For complete information, see the diagnostics web site: