
Preparing to Migrate to HP-UX 11i v2
Update Tasks
Chapter 464
Update Tasks
Prior to updating to HP-UX 11i v2, you should perform these tasks:
Recording Software Versions
Rebuilding the Kernel
Cleaning Out Your Log Files
Recording Software Versions
To identify what software still needs updating after the OS update, print
a swlist listing of all products and bundles prior to the update. For
example, enter:
/usr/sbin/swlist | lp
Then compare it with a similar swlist executed after the update.
Rebuilding the Kernel
Your update could fail if the HP-UX kernel build fails in the starting
environment. To ensure that you have a reliable starting point, rebuild
the kernel before you update:
1. As root, enter:
2. Fix any problems listed in the mk_kernel output.
3. Reboot your system to ensure that your new kernel boots.
Cleaning Out Your Log Files
To make it easier to check for problems encountered during an update,
rename the log files before starting an update:
1. cd /var/adm/sw
2. As root, rename each log file. For example:
mv swagent.log swagent_old.log